yoga + mat pilates

flow foundations

“Foundation training”

A slow vinyasa flow that focuses on breaking down postures, emphasising form and alignment, providing options for every level of practitioner.

Not just for beginners, this is perfect for experienced practitioners looking to refine your fundamental technique and take things back to basics.

Beginner Friendly

flow slow

“Mindful. Fluid. Methodical.”

Not up for a a sweaty Flow Strong but don’t want to do a Yin class either? Flow Slow is the class for you. A slow vinyasa flow that focuses on form and alignment set to relaxed tunes, this is the ultimate feel good flow.

Perfect for days when you want to move mindfully with your breath, conditioning your body at a slower pace encouraging resilience, discipline and mental focus.

This class will provide you with the opportunity to refine your fundamental technique – a great option for beginners looking to take your practice to the next level.

Beginner Friendly

flow slow gong bath

“Tranquil. Meditative. Healing.”

Your ultimate Flow Slow experience, taken up a notch through a subtle exploration of the body, mind and soul. 

Post your feel good chill flow, you will be bathed in a mini sound journey through the healing vibrations of symphonic gongs that offer a multitude of stress-relieving benefits. 

Allow the sound waves to wash over you in this uniquely immersive experience that will lull you into a state of utter bliss and relaxation.

Beginner Friendly


“Relaxing. Passive. Calm.”

The ultimate class for a balanced practice – Yin will nurture your mind and restore your body to a state of bliss.

Ideal for runners, cyclists and anyone wanting to release tightness in their body, unwind and find release in long deep poses set down low on the mat designed to improve your flexibility and mobility.

Expect to open your hips, lower back and spine while easing your mind from the stresses of daily life.

Expect to leave with an open body, mind and heart.

Beginner Friendly

flow strong

“Powerful. Energetic. Invigorating”

Flow Strong is a medium intensity class – building internal heat and strengthening your body whilst balancing the mind.

Expect to get hot and sweaty as you flow through a powerful sequence linking breath to movement, to music that will get you moving and an ab session that’s guaranteed to hurt tomorrow.

All Flow Strong classes provide you with the option for arm balances or inversions.

Intermediate Advanced

gong nidra

“Restorative. Harmonious. Rejuvenating.”

Unwind your week through the art of resting through Gong Nidra, a marriage between Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) and Gong Bath. 

This class will bring you into a state of deep relaxation through guided meditation using visualisations and relaxation techniques to bring you into deep rest.

You will be bathed in vibrational sound waves from Tibetan bowls and various instruments played rhythmically known for their healing properties in accessing the subconscious layers of our mind to release any negative patterns while promoting a restful state of body and mind. 

You are advised to wear comfortable clothing for the ease of lying down throughout the session. 

Beginner Friendly

flow sculpt mat pilates

“The art of contrology”

Step onto your mat and feel the fire in this strong core-focused class, that incorporates the use of hand weights to intensify your full body workout.

Expect to feel the burn as you work through a flowing sequence of pilates exercises that builds intensity and heat to tone, sculpt and chisel your body from the inside out.

Beginner Friendly

looking for reformer pilates?